Tag Archives: pilot

400.000 people at 4G speed in Nordic Wonderland

TeliaSonera today switched on LTE networks in Stockholm and Oslo with coverage for 400,000 customers.

via 4G network goes live for lucky few • The Register.

I first heard about 4G technologies when I started attending conferences on telecommunications technologies back in 2004 — at that time we were just starting Mobilife, a big collaborative R&D project about “B3G” mobile applications and services. I travelled quite a lot since then in the Nordic countries, and I have always marvelled at how fast they are in adopting new things, quite simply — and I guess you don’t need to be a technoenthusiast (I am not) to agree. Anyhow, the news from the Register is a worhty and fun reading.  It will be intersting to see what will come out of this.TeliaSonera today switched on LTE networks in Stockholm and Oslo with coverage for 400,000 customers.

via 4G network goes live for lucky few • The Register.